Monday, November 15, 2010 | By: EmerGence

Multiplying stem cells


A researcher discovers a technique that might make it easier and cheaper to replace worn-out cartilage.

Important discovery: Dr Chong Pan Pan found a way to separate mesenchymal stem cells from blood, and growing them in the laboratory.
     HAVE your knees started to creak? If your joints are beginning to make crackling noises when you bend them, this may be a sign that the cartilage there is starting to wear out.
     As cartilage acts as a cushion to soften the impact of movements on our joints, this is not a good sign. Imagine your bones grinding together every time you move – definitely a painful proposal!
     Unfortunately, as we grow older, our cartilage wears out through repeated usage. And that is the inspiration behind Universiti Malaya (UM) research scientist Chong Pan Pan’s current work.

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